Money It's in which job you're gonna take,
Which house You're gonna live in,
In how you're gonna raise your kids.
What are you gonna wear?
Are you gonna see your parents IF THEY LIVE OVERSEAS?
Are you never gonna see your family again?
Money is in, The kind of diet or groceries you buy.
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"I tried budgeting before, but I failed!"
"Do we need more income? A salary increase or I will get a job!”
"My husband and I are not on the same page financially"
“We have the money!!! Where is it going?!?!”
guess what?
ONE - Unified
"You are
ONE budget away
of being truly
in your marriage"
apply today
- myrna marie
"Humbleness in the Lord
and a budget, gave us a really unified, same spirit,
same mind, marriage,
in all areas of our life."